todd moore | dillinger posed

for the mug
shot staring
straight into
the camera
w/that killer
look sort
of like he
imagined the
lens was a
piece of
meat he
cd either
fuck or
kill he
had one
arm held
over the
other hand
across the
elbow &
the way he
sat there
both tensed
& relaxed
me of the
old movie
stills of
early wes
tern movie
star harry
carey in
his prime
& later john
wayne copy
ing that look
right at the
end of the
he stands
almost pain
ted into that
black door
way a sha
dow full of
the nothing
ness of
color & i
think dill
inger has to
know w/a
none of us
will ever
that the
etched into
the white
sheet be
hind him
has just
started to
walk toward
an outlaw
where no
one else
can go

Todd Moore books are available via the Metropolis Shop Page here…

0 Replies to “todd moore | dillinger posed”

  1. i love dillinger posed. it’s like method acting through poetry. deals with identity. deals with a seance-like mood. i love the snake path of this poem, winding and swirling beautifully together. the natural flow of it all. also, the classic lines of the second half of the poem. magnificent language. raw and existential, the poem also is mystical and ghost-like. a haunting piece.

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