Dave Roskos
is a people’s publisher, he’s from the old school where you still use a printer and old-fashioned ink, and staples, and wrinkled poems that come in via the mail, and the poems in BIG HAMMER reflect a vision of America that is unfathomable to those in the suits & ties and even those with the ponytails and the birkenstocks. His poems are written by auto mechanics and plumbers and ferriers and people who know the difference between fuel injection and carburetors. Who still find old tires on the side of the road with some good tread still left on them and know how to get them on the rim and tie a come-along belt to cinch it to get the air in (use soap). Dave Roskos loves poetry and loves making books and loves the written word and he does something about it………….mark weber, 21jan09
Dave Roskos
began writing poetry in 1979; co-founded the Proletkult Poetry Circus with Chris Aubry, in 1987 at The Court Tavern; Founded Iniquity Press/Vendetta Books and Big Hammer Magazine in 1988. Has been published around a hundred times; was a regular contributor to Dionysos, The Journal of Literature & Addiction (Addiction Studies Dept., U of Seattle); has two poems in the Meat section of The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry; work forthcoming in several more anthologies. Played alto saxophone/screamed, was a core-member of New Brunswick based Noise bands: Black Motorist, The Lotusates, The Dustbunnies, STAR69 (aka F-hole). Was a fringe member of Philadelphia-based DRAGONBALL. Played War Pigs with Alice Donut once. He has a son named Ayler and works as a furniture mover, and is trying to age gracefully and Focus On Sanity.
Dave Roskos / Iniquity Press / Vendetta Books
are available now in THE SHOP where you can find already books and cd’s from writers/artists like Mark Weber, Todd Moore, Tony Moffeit, Alex Gildzen, Cross+Roads Press, Norbert Blei, Doug Holder, francEyE, Gazelle Poetry Books, Jared Smith, Jeffrey Winke, John Yamrus, Raindog, S.A. Griffin, sunnyoutside, Vox Audio, poesy mag and Zeitgeist.