colleen keenan | memory lane | random thought of today | trans fats kill kids

Memory Lane

A world of pavement
On this flat-topped
Flat earth
Sparse of grass, sand
Terrain in a vacant parking lot
While monsters swallow silver
Striped in white and yellow
Lined striped
Earth of pavement
Hard-topped clapboards
Slap on slap
On fists fight back
Metal longnecks feast on tar
On tar
They sink their sharp teeth
Regurgitate feasts
Feasts of air
of breath
of carbon monoxide
One oxide
One carbon
One toxic air
Seeps in nostrils
Seeps in metal faces
Vacant eyes
Vacant pavement
Billboards advertise rust
rust, rust, rust, rust, rust
Amber orange rust
Buy now
Pay later
Pay in plastic
Ornament of terrain
Insubordinate delicacy or earth
Flat-topped earth
Flat earth
Earth flat to fallen pavement!
Poured on her sand
her grass
her soil
Blackens the earth
rust colored
earth colored
Flat –topped earth
Rusty billboard
Memory Lane is a dead end.

Random Thought of Today

Maybe I should change my walk
If I walk more slowly
People will have more time
To notice me
But I won’t look at them
It’ll be mysterious
Aloof equals seductive, right?
Yes, I have decided
I will walk 1/3 the pace previously prodded
I will focus on each leg muscle
My calves
My thighs
As each heal reaches the sidewalk
And the toes lift away
I will feel my hips move
Then Right
My left leg will not begin its forward motion
Until the right has
Completely stopped
My thighs graze each other
That will be sexy
Maybe I will feel sensuous
I will just have to leave
15 minutes early.

Trans Fats Kill Kids

Fry in soybean oil
Colonel Sanders is smiling down on us
McDonald’s lies
Wendy’s will save us
Get rid of the hidden poison
French fries are bad?
No arrest yet
Ban the hazards
You can’t eat Funions now
Kids are the victim
Be thankful you’re alive
Save us
Stick in the tubes
IVs of soybean oil
Change the plans
McDonald’s is open
24 hours
Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru
Were do I go?
Save the kids
fry in Soybean oil

Colleen Keenan lives and writes out of New London, Connecticut. She has been published in Burp, Fell Swoop and Tangerine, among other zines. She is co-editor of Flying Fish, a quarterly print poetry zine. Her debut chapbook is entitled Girl.

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