Dear Friends,
Attached is the flier for this year’s Mission Poetry Series reading on Sunday, April 15th at the Mission Renewal Center in Santa Barbara. We’re very pleased to be featuring four exceptional poets: Suzanne Frost, David Starkey, Michael C Ford and Ellen Dore Watson. Please spread the word.
Those of you who have fliers promoting your own or other readings, events, publications, etc., are encouraged to bring copies to the reading. We’ll have a table set up specifically for handouts. If you can’t make the reading, you can email me a printable document and I’ll make sure it’s made available.
Also attached is a flier promoting a poetry workshop by one of our featured readers, Ellen Dore Watson. Ellen, who directs the Poetry Center at Smith College in Western Massachusetts, will be conducting this special one-day workshop at the Mission Renewal Center on Saturday, April 14th.
Thanks to all of you for your continued support of the Mission Poetry Series, now in it’s third season.
Take care,
Paul Fericano | Susan Blomstad | Mission Poetry Series | Sponsors:The Mission Renewal Center | | Instruments of Peace | | Poor Souls Press/Scaramouche Books |