Spears of Light
Poets, throwing spears of light
Seeking the bull’s-eye heart
Poets, painting portraits with fire
Poets, welding iron bonds with words.
Poets, with their ripped up clothes
and messed-up hair,
Poets with their empty pockets and big bills
Poets without a car and bumming a ride again.
Poets, throwing spears of light
White-hot, incandescent
Burning through armor-plated tradition and belief
Opening eyes and hearts
Poets, shining flashlights down dark paths
Poets, taking the bad roads
On unicycles
with flat tires
Poets, shooting for the stars
and trying to stop a wave with a spoon
Poets, always rolling boxcars and snake-eyes
And trying to fill that inside straight.
Poets, throwing bricks through glass
Breaking brittle windows of thought
Poets wading between the broken shards,
searching for diamond needles
in glass haystacks.
Ken Greenley February 4, 1958 – February 12, 2020 was a writer who lived in Denver, Colorado. The number of places he’s lived is only exceeded by the number of job’s he’s had. Greenley liked to explore the themes of class division (in a supposedly classless country), the struggle to stay spiritual in the modern world, and the growth episodes that occur in childhood. He thought art, particularly writing, should combat media brainwashing, and should examine the clash between what we’re told and what really happens. He tried to make his material as funny as possible, because he found it hard to make modern life seriously, and considered it his mission “to make people laugh and think at the same time.”
Much more on Ken Greenley can be found by clicking here… and here…
Ken Greeley’s poet’s idiom in Spears of Light hits home
with its epigrammatic metaphoric movement of sparkle.
BZ Niditch