On This Road To The North Star
Come midnight The Channel Tunnel
is miles behind me –
the dead GPS rattles across the dashboard,
but it’s obsolete when you’re driving
without a destination anyway.
Underneath this Van Gough starry night,
I find The North Star.
I can recall my brother first pointing it out to me.
It stands out now like a beacon.
I wonder where in the world my brother is?
If he ever looks up at it and thinks the same?
As I continue on this road to The North Star –
like the billions of lost souls before me,
trying to
find their way
Gwil James Thomas lives in the historically infamous city of Bristol, England. His debut poetry collection Gwil Vs Machine is available from paperandink. His prose was recently featured in the Hand Job Zine anthology. hi-vispress.com. He was also once a member of the short lived Spanish/British band Irreparables. He is currently trimming the fat on his second novel and putting together his second short story collection.