Crow Knows & Two other new poems by Justin Rogers

Crow Knows

on a knoll of vibes
a shaman dances to the sounds of life
listening to the tales of lost tribes

have we no desire
to book return passage

nor means besides

crow could carry us out

to spread across the face of far flung spaces
& bloom

a menagerie of star gazing lovers on a quest for light

Strung Up

n nuthing for em

cept too tight strings
over whole of blues

everything smoked rust
dregs of acidic lies

sweating to channel
n nuthing coming

a train pounds thru
long n loud
nerves rattle on panes

cats in the alley
bein cats
climbing my spine

but for just a lick
notes on a beat out of time
almost there

Bad Juju Blues

my shotgun has been speaking to me
she sounds like a supermodel
with implants

her lilting coos lie about
the darkroom of my mind

embryonic images
in a scald of red

there is a passage
but ive misplaced the keys
cant recall
what rules the waves

Justin Rogers might be found near normal; bits of his poetry are scattered about.
Justin Rogers might be found near normal; bits of his poetry are scattered about.

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