Repetitions by Pris Campbell


Russians hold up banners against the war, face dangerous repurcusions from the balding autocrat and his officials. Perhaps for the first time many of us feel a heart bond with the real Russia. After all, can we forget Kent State and flowers in rifles before the shooting started or protesters with the Chicago Seven beat by hooded cops. Old people sit in Ukraine unable to run. Families are killed and have no food. Nothing compared to our lame duck’s urging, STORM THE CAPITOL, chants to kill Pence and Speaker of the House and no troops sent this time to protect from a mob carrying weapons and breaking in doors. Trump is mute in our home of the free. Now arms are joined in unity everywhere against another man who would be king.

tea dumped
into Boston Harbor
now politicians
trade freedoms hard won
for votes to stay in office

img_2555The poems of Pris Campbell have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including PoetsArtists, Rusty Truck, Bicycle Review, Chiron Review, and Outlaw Poetry Network. The Small Press has published eight collections of her poetry and Clemson University Press a collaboration with Scott Owens. When The Wolves Come After You, with Michael Parker, from Goss Publications and Squalls on the Horizon, a book of tanka, from Nixes Mate and My Southern Childhood are her most recent small press books. A former Clinical Psychologist, sailor and bicyclist until sidelined by ME/CFS in 1990, she makes her home in the Greater West Palm Beach, Florida, with her husband.

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