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Harry Rasky (1928 – 2007) Films by Harry Rasky – William Hutt: A Most Fortunate Man, 1997 | Christopher Plummer: King of Players, 1995 | The War Against The Indians, 1992, The Magic Season of Robertson Davies, 1992 | The Great Teacher: Northrop Frye, 1989 | Degas, 1987-88 | To Mend the World, 1986 | Karsh: The Searching Eye, 1985-86 | The Mystery of Henry Moore, 1985 | Raymond Massey: Actor of the Century, 1984 | Stratasphere, 1983 | The Spies Who Never Were, 1981 | Being Different, 1981 | The Man Who Hid Anne Frank, 1981 | The Song of Leonard Cohen, 1981 | Arthur Miller on Home Ground, 1979 | The Lessons of History, Will and Ariel Durant, 1978 | The Peking Man Mystery, 1977 | Homage to Chagall, 1976-77 | Travels Through Life with Leacock, 1975 | Next Year in Jerusalem, 1974 | Baryshnikov, 1974 | Tennessee Williams’ South, 1973 | The Wit and World of G. Bernard Shaw, 1972 | Upon This Rock, 1972 | Hall of Kings, 1967 | Operation Sea War – Vietnam | A Tour of Washington with Mrs. Lyndon Johnson | The Nobel Prize Awards | The Twentieth Century | NBC White Paper – Panama | Danger Zone | Cuba and Castro Today | Books by Harry Rasky – Tennesse Williams: A Portrait in Laughter and Lamentation | The Three Harrys: A Memoir | Stratas: An Affectionate Tribute to Teresa Stratas | Nobody Swings on Sunday: The Many Lives and Films of Harry Rasky | Videocassettes of Harry Rasky’s films, The Song of Leonard Cohen and Tennessee Williams’ South are available from Mosaic Press.
more on Harry Rasky can be found here…