In 1972 the Rotterdam Arts Foundation commissioned Gerard Bellaart, editor of Cold Turkey Press and Carl Weissner, editor of the magazine Klactoveedsedsteen, to compile an LP of contemporary American poetry.The LP was pressed in an edition of 500 copies that summer. The material for the now sought-after record was provided by Carl Weissner, who had recorded readings by leading countercultural poets like Allen Ginsberg, Ed Sanders, Ray Bremser, and Diane di Prima, mostly during a stay in the US between 1966 and 1968. Of the poetry readings on the master tape for the LP some 48 minutes were actually released.The rest of the recordings – some 18 minutes of poetry – has for the greater part remained unpublished.This CD contains all – virtually unedited – readings on the master tape.
Tracklist: 1 Ray Bremser – Poem of Holy Madness, Part IV (4:05) recorded New York, March 3rd 1968. 2 Diane di Prima – Goodbye Nkruma (2:12) recorded at Hotel Albert, New York, March 31st 1968. 3 Diane di Prima – Rant from a cool place (3:10) recorded at Hotel Albert, New York, March 31 st 1968. 4 Ted Berrigan – Sonnet XXXVI (1:01) recorded New York, February 20th 1968. 5 Ted Berrigan – Sonnet LXXVI (0:59) recorded New York, February 20th 1968. 6 Carol Bergé — Piaf and Holiday go out (for Leroi Jones) (2:23) recorded at Hotel Chelsea, New York, May 8th 1968. 7 Ed Sanders – Soft Man I /Sheep Fuck Poem (2:27) recorded New York, February 2nd 1966. 8 Ed Sanders -Toe Queen Poems (7:30) recorded New York, February 2nd 1966. 9 Ed Sanders – from: It’s all right (1:09) recorded Milan, 1966. 10 Charles Bukowski — A report on the consumption of myself/Something for the touts, the nuns, the grocery clerks and you (10:48) recorded Los Angeles, February 18th 1967. 11 John Wieners – Poem for Herbert Huncke (1:21) recorded at St. Mark’s Church, NewYorkJanuary 3rd 1968. 12 John Wieners – I dream… (1:13) recorded at St. Mark’s Church, NewYorkJanuary 3rd 1968. 13 Jim Silver – Johnny Magic (2:05) recorded NewYorkJanuary 16th 1968. 14 John Giorno & multiple voices – For Fred Herko (2:02) recorded New York, February 21st 1967. 15 Allen Ginsberg – Krai Majales (King of May) (5:06) recorded at Buffalo University, March 1966. 16 Ray Bremser – Blood (0:58) recorded New York, March 3rd 1968. 17 Diane di Prima – Buddhist New Year Song (1:54) recorded at Hotel Albert, New York, March 3 I st 1968. 18 Ted Berrigan – Sonnet nr (?) ( 0:52) recorded New York, February 20th 1968. 19 Carol Bergé – Poem for explorers (0:51) recorded at Hotel Chelsea, New York, May 8th 1968. 20 Charles Bukowski – Finish (2:23) recorded Los Angeles, Febrary 18th 1967. 21 Charles Bukowski – 199 pounds of clay leaning forward (1:44) recorded Los Angeles, February 18th 1967. 22 Jim Silver– Heroin Comedown Vision (0:57) recorded NewYorkJanuary 16th 1968. 23 John Giorno & multiple voices – Anne, 25… (1:16) recorded New York, February 21st 1967. 24 Paul Blackburn -The old days (0:42) recorded at St. Mark’s Church, New York, September 22nd 1966. 25 Paul Blackburn – Spring thing (2:59) recorded at St. Mark’s Church, New York, September 22nd 1966. 26 Harold Norse – 2 Parapoems (3:31) recorded Heidelberg, March 1967.
listen to Ed Sanders – Soft Man I /Sheep Fuck Poem (2:27) recorded New York, February 2nd 1966.
listen to Paul Blackburn –The old days (0:42) recorded at St. Mark’s Church, New York, September 22nd 1966.
where is the 13th, Jack Micheline?