so it’s a sunny saturday
& I’m reading Todd Moore
(Dillinger as a pre-Bogart Bogart)
& I’m drinking Moka Java
from the tan mug with blue lines
that got me thru Kent ayems
& I’m wondering how
the thing we drink from
shares a word meaning faceso I throw Moore on the floor
& get out my college Webster’s
mug n. 1. a heavy drinking cup
of earthenware … formerly often ornamented
with a human face& I remember Moore lining up
Cagney beside Bogart
& I can’t think of Cagney
w/o thinking of grapefruit
Cagney was a thug with a mug
who pushd that grapefruit
into Mae Clarke’s face
beauties had faces thugs mugs
& I remember 58 years after that scene
seeing Mae Clarke in Beverly Hills
even as an old lady
she had a face& I once saw Cagney
in that same place
even as an old man
he was a thug with a mugMoore shoots words
it’s a sunny saturday
& he hit me in the face
just like that grapefruit
except you can’t wash off
what a word does
Much more on Alex Gildzen and his books can be found by clicking here…
You got that right…you can’t wash off what a word does. Too many people are too stupid or too mean or too callous to realize that words can burn white hot or freeze like Ice Nine…not to mention all the other degrees of collateral damage that can be accomplished in the name of the almighty WORD!