At Ocean Beach
Two junkies
on a bench
shooting memories
in the sun
their smiles wide
as they get their
fix of the past
“Man, it was like
a blast of Buddhism
she loved me
when I played
that song…”
and then
as if
a dream
a tourniquet
of words
wrapped around
his heart
and his voice
as a child
left tracks
in the sand
Jake St. John writes out of New London, CT and is the author of several collections of poetry and pamphlet poems including, Rotations (Night Ballet Press, 2015), I Talked To The Moon (Wandering Head, 2012), and Change of Address (Unarmed 2010). His work has appeared in numerous literary and arts magazines such as, The Blue Collar Review, Big Hammer, and The People’s Tribune. Since 2007 he has served as the editor of Elephant and co-editor of Flying Fish.