Watching Chekhov’s play
“The Seagull”
with my Russian friends
up in the balcony
with a confessional love poem
slowly emerging
in my smiling imagination
when there is no language
that could sabotage
or upstage the Beat in me
with my sax of a soul
out here in the provinces,
anyway it is starting to rain
off the islands
and my girl friend
suddenly asks me for tickets
to see Adele
wondering if our life
merely repeats
the family dialogue
from any generation
in any lyrical play
or musical language
sends me back
to my early childhood
making my thoughts
and aching spirit rise
between two continents
to rock the boat over me
knowing an aging poet
is always in exile
shipwrecked on the ocean
or by merely visiting
the company of another.
B.Z. NIDITCH is a poet, playwright and fiction writer. His work is widely published in journals and magazines throughout the world, including: Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry and Art; The Literary Review; Denver Quarterly; Hawaii Review; Le Guepard (France); Kadmos (France); Prism International; Jejune (Czech Republic); Leopold Bloom (Hungary); Antioch Review; and Prairie Schooner, among others. His newest poetry collection, “Everything, Everywhere,” is available from Penhead Press. He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.