The Streets of Los Angeles by S.A. Griffin


The Streets of Los Angeles

here, tonight
in this, the 2nd largest city in America
a strange peace rocks these urban canyons

there are no magnificent fireworks
to scratch the sky with celebration
no uplifting fanfare to name our
revolutionary spirit

no heroic confetti to rain down
on some grand parade marching
beneath the triumphant arch of this
uneasy hallelujah

where headlines hang in the balance
of an odd detente

and an unfathomable fog swallows us all

as we emerge from opposite ends of history
asking ourselves red, white or blue
who are you America?

Who are we now?

November 8, 2016

S.A. Griffin. Photo by Mark Hanauer
S.A. Griffin / Photo by Mark Hanauer

S.A. Griffin. lives, loves and works in Los Angeles.

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