Klonopin by Robert Vogt


you’ve been thrashing all night about in my bed. now you’re in a chair beside where i lie. masturbating. did you finish? i ask after some 40 minutes of your frustrations. they gave you klonopin making you zombie-like. following me around stores like you had a dose of someone flew over the cuckoo’s nest shock treatment. customers staring at you as if a homeless man. you get up mumbling i can’t take this shit. minutes later i call you on your mobile. imploring that you not throw away what you achieved over the weekend.

your habit’s affect

a nagging pain in my gut

now you’re tying off

Robert VogtRobert Vogt worked as a custodian for a number of years until switching to EFL educator after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. The transition from manual laborer to educator caused Vogt much regret though he has reaped manifold benefits from the career change. Vogt is the Chief Editor at White Liquor (whiteliquor.tk).

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