St. Matrona the Righteous Wonderworker of Moscow
You had the gift of spiritual vision
Your blindness, the getaway to the Light
Suffused with uncreated Light, your heart
Saw what human eyes could not see
Bearing the Holy seal on you
Your christening a divine revelation
Dipped into the font, a column of light
Sweet-scented steam rising up to the ceiling
You cured people of various torments,
Expelling demons and banishing them
“the epitome of the angel–warrior incarnate,
with sword of fire in hand fighting evil powers”.
A servant chosen before you were born
An angel in the flesh wast thou revealed to be
You foresaw the will of God with noetic eyes
Your bodily blindness, a gift of spiritual wisdom
Sofia Kioroglou is a Greek poet, writer and perennial traveller to the Holy Land and Egypt. Her recent entry to the Festival for Poetry was singled out at the Best of February and her poems have been selected in the 26 Most Commented Writers Category of Pengician. Her poems can be found online and in print in Lunaris Review, In Between Hangovers, Galleon Literary Journal, Pengician, Galway Review, Verse-Virtual, Dumas de Demain, Books’ Journal, Poetic Diversity, Every Writer, Winamop and Aenaon to name but a few. She has work forthcoming this March in Basil o’ Flaherty. She was one of the winners in the International Competition of this January and her work won a distinction in the Poetry Contest of Unesco Club for the return of the Elgin Marbles to Greece. Her work is mentioned in the Winningwriters Magazine this February.