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Iniquity Press/Vendetta Books / Michael Pingarron was active on the NJ poetry scene from the 1980s until his death in 2006.
“Michael was the epitome of beatitude. His poetry is graced, blessed, kind, filled with hope. He took Allen Ginsberg’s oft-repeated statement to younger Postbeat poets–that we all needed to loosen up–to heart. His poetry has a surrealistic air to it that was, in part, a function of his own good vibes way of observing and interacting in the world.” — Jim Cohn
“I saw in his poetry a wonderful mix of the surreal and political absurdist traditions — somehow he combined the best of Simic’s macabre with Spicer’s sharp sarcasm, but he could also write moments of great lyrical tenderness, something neither Simic nor Spicer chose to do, something Michael shared with Patchen.” — Joe Weil