LAST CALL, CHINASKI par Lummox Press

As we prepare to celebrate the Bukowski Centennial, I’d like to invite your fans to participate in the Lummox Press anthology Last Call, Chinaski. I your style has been influenced by Buk, I want to see it. Here are the Continue reading LAST CALL, CHINASKI par Lummox Press

Lummox Poetry Anthology & the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest

Here’s your invite for the 8th issue of the Lummox Poetry Anthology and the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest. But LISTEN UP there have been some changes … Reading cycle begins APRIL 1ST but it ENDS on APRIL 30, that’s right, you get ONE MONTH to Continue reading Lummox Poetry Anthology & the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest

rd armstrong | poetry tour

Pier 5 Law Offices @ 506 Broadway, San Francisco – Aug. 17, 7:30 pm W/ Neeli Cherkovski & William Taylor, jr. Art House Gallery @ 2905 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley – Aug. 19, 7 pm $10 donation – Reading for News Continue reading rd armstrong | poetry tour

tony moffeit | born to be blue

Born To Be Blue by Tony Moffeit Genre: Poetry, Trade Paper, 6X9. Publisher: Lummox Press (PO Box 5301 San Pedro, CA 90733-5301) | | ISBN: 978-1-929878-85-7 | Pages:100 | Publishing Date: Oct. 2011 | $15 + shipping I’ve known Continue reading tony moffeit | born to be blue

rick smith | hard landing | lummox press

Hard Landing by Rick Smith (2010) “Rick Smith’s spare yet dense poetry is reminiscent of Basho, the Japanese haiku master, and displays much of the same restraint and discipline.”– Mark Terrill “The wren lends itself to ethical and etymological inquiry, Continue reading rick smith | hard landing | lummox press

gerald locklin | modest aspirations (poems) | Beth Wilson | (stories)

Modest Aspirations Gerald Locklin (Poems) & Beth Wilson (Stories) Genre: Poetry & Stories, Trade Paper. Publisher: Lummox Press (PO Box 5301 San Pedro, CA 90733-5301) Pages: 144. ISBN: 978-1-929878-08-6. USA Price: $15 + $3 Shipping. Canada-Mexico Price: $15 +$5 Shipping. Continue reading gerald locklin | modest aspirations (poems) | Beth Wilson | (stories)

rd armstrong | todd moore and lummox press

RD Armstrong, Annie Menebroker and Todd Moore at Luna’s Cafe in Sacramento, May 21, 2009 I first corresponded with Todd Moore back in !997. I heard about him from Mark Weber, whom I had interviewed for my mag, The Lummox Continue reading rd armstrong | todd moore and lummox press

todd moore | the gold cane, van gogh's ear, and the gun in the casket: wandering down this crooked road

This is the age of Lummox. Granted, there are many fine publishers out there, some of them even legendary. Grove Press, City Lights, and Black Sparrow not only published great writers but somehow went on to define an age. Scribners Continue reading todd moore | the gold cane, van gogh's ear, and the gun in the casket: wandering down this crooked road