…but I’m a big believer in perseverance. And having gotten a small taste of being a published author, I sure as hell wasn’t about to give up at that point. So I forged on. Kept writing, kept submitting. Kept getting rejection slips. And then, also believing that sometimes you have to make your own luck, I made the somewhat brash move of starting my own small press magazine called Hardboiled. I never made any bones about the fact that this was largely intended as a showcase for my work, a way to get my name out there. But it was also a fair showcase for the works of other writers such as myself — tougher, harder-boiled writers with only a limited market. The response was good, the result most satisfying. I was able to run stories by talented newcomers, as well as work by bigger names like Vachss, Collins, Lansdale, Randisi, Gorman, and others… And I gained the positive exposure for myself that I was hoping for. I began placing stories (most of them featuring Hannibal) in anthologies and other places besides Hardboiled. Some were lucky enough to receive award nominations — an Edgar, an Anthony, several Shamuses. No wins, but each time the recognition was truly an honor…
please read the entire text on Wayne D. Dundee’s web page here…