Press One For Asshole
A city over populated
with assholes
is a city in dire need
of sanitation
Toilets can’t keep up
with the mass amount
of shit that needs
to be flushed
Toilet paper is scarce
The stench of shit
travels the streets
If you don’t smell it
you hear it
Speaking bullshit
has become
a secondary language
Speaking asshole
is still the language
of the land
Febreeze is a breath
of fresh air
Cologne and
perfume sales
are surpassing those
in France
Clogged up
bathroom stalls
and broken plungers
Janitorial jobs
are in high demand
when nobody wants
to put up with shit
People are fed up
with the problem
they created
Making phone calls
to no avail
Forced to push
one for asshole
and having the nerve
to ask why
Michael Marrotti is an author from Pittsburgh using words instead of violence to mitigate the suffering of life in a callous world of redundancy. His primary goal is to help other people. He considers poetry to be a form of philanthropy. When he’s not writing, he’s volunteering at the Light Of Life homeless shelter on a weekly basis. If you appreciate the man’s work, please check out his for his latest poetry and short stories.
I really enjoyed this I read it out to the people, around me and they loved it mtoo