The Toilet
Like rats trapped in a hole-less metal box
we all wait for something to happen.
Life, age, happiness, sorrow and pain,
all advance as we stretch to reach,
or recoil with fear.
We cuss and complain,
seeing it all slightly past our fingertips,
except for what we don’t want,
now we recognize,
our arms are not getting any longer.
What is real,
what can be counted on
without worry of an end,
is night will fall and day will reappear.
A comfortable shoe makes for a good day.
No shoes make for an even better one.
A shower is the best way to start the day,
but diving into fresh water is far superior.
Sex is fun in the morning
and wilder in the afternoon.
Man will continue his quest to devastate the earth
and the toilet will always flush,
although I have seen the latter brimming
way too many times.
Dan Abernathy. Welcome to the chaotic and often strange life of a Quasi, Clumsy Spiritual Warrior, Dan Abernathy. This Renaissance man is known as an outlaw poet, artist and purveyor of words, a junkyard philosopher, and a vagabond searching for a pure hedonistic meaning for his of life.
His voice, be it in his words or in his art, is a collection of oddities, fascinations, desires and obsessions – a road map of sorts, tracking the life of a man that can’t and won’t fit in.
“His poems are a bit like a well fingered bowl of mixed treats in a dark bar – filled with some salty Charles Bukowski, some chewy Hunter S. Thompson, and a little zap-a-hooty sweetness ala Dr. Seuss (tossed in just for the kiddies…er, ah, not that I’d recommend this one for any mother’s son.” – David Vaughan, an artist, writer from the Pacific Northwest coast.
Abernathy makes available 98% of all his perspectives, be they fluid and random thoughts, or meandering and incomplete rants to the masses. They other 2% he keeps to himself, archived and a gift for the scholars and naysayers to decipher. Abernathy has published two books of poetry, Looking For Security While Wearing a Loincloth and I Don’t Shave on Sundays. He is also the Editor/Publisher of The Contributor, a monthly newspaper of free speech, art, travel, the spoken word and other oddities that should be revealed.