is slouched
on a sofa
with a fat belly
and a full glass of wine
demanding you to dim the lights
to turn the TV on
to add dildos to shopping lists
to tell us if Jack Nicholson is dead
to fart on command
to tell us what time it is in Uzbekistan
to play songs
to phone Mum
to give us a drum roll, please!
to order pizza
to tell a dirty joke
to order more pizza
to remind us
that the sum total
of female suffering
survives in an A-cup
sized catafalque
named, Alexa.
Mark Vanner lives in the UK. His poetry and short stories have appeared widely since 2003 in publications including, Neon Literary Magazine, Swill Magazine, Pearl Magazine, The South, Poetry Monthly, Zygote In My Coffee, 3:AM, Blackheart Magazine and many more. For more information and news of his latest crimes against literature please visit his website by clicking here…