Category Archives: Jay Sosnicki
jay sosnicki | secrets
SECRETS (For Patrick) Today I saw you unfold Like a butterfly Like a flower All the questions I have Suddenly answered In gestures In your voice In every limb Making Q&A moot Your beautiful red hair, soft Like a child Continue reading jay sosnicki | secrets
jay sosnicki | overnite newsstand
OVERNITE NEWSSTAND He stands there at the newsstand Not really reading But lazily flipping through a free paper Hip cocked at the ready Silly looking cap pulled down Over one eye Shirtless beneath leather jacket A slim, pale shadow Trying Continue reading jay sosnicki | overnite newsstand
jay sosnicki | night terrors
NIGHT TERRORS Didn’t plague me until I was 40 And still looking for a place in the world Working jobs I hated To fund my smoldering little dreams Of rock stardom Stuck at the level of Middle-management stooge Not wanting Continue reading jay sosnicki | night terrors
jay sosnicki | put your back into it, whore
The Whore of Babylon | Painting by William Blake PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT, WHORE After all the years I’ve waited And all the hoops I’ve jumped through To get your attention After all the times I could have / Continue reading jay sosnicki | put your back into it, whore
jay sosnicki | 1925 whitley | notes from hollywood 1989-2009
Please click the thumb on the left to enlarge. This book is available via Amazon by clicking here… More on/about Jay Sosnicki will come soon on Outlaw Poetry!