collected & edited by rjs. published by t.l. kryss. GHOST PRESS CLEVELAND. a limited edition of 1000 copies. cover foto by j.r.s. front cover lettering: carl woideck. back cover : wally depew. proceeds, if any, from the sale of this book will go to the levy defense fund, the yet-to-be-conceived levy substinence fund, and the subsequent levy offense fund.
dedicated towards an expanding city
this book is for richard krech
who is one of my brothers on
the transparent sun-boat
for drwagner who is one of my
brothers who rode the airplane
spoon & ate peanut-butter sand-
wiches with e.r. baxter for
for rjs & tlk who helped build
the first road thru swamp erie
& jrs who could never get enuf
for roger sauls who sat in a
red room – for ed sanders whose
mouth spurts flowers from the
amer-egyptian underground & for
tuli kupferberg who ate the draft
for bud who lived it before it
was hip & forgot it & for ron
who receives & transmits but
doesnt talk anymore.
for terrible tom who gave me my
winter coat with a flower & a sun
drawn on it
for don thomas of poverty press
who has survived the last few
years in the sunless suburbs
this book is for all the women
ive eaten & laid in dreams & in
the book is for cleo malone who
is stoned on god & works like a
motherball & for tony walsh who
is civilized
for mike brophy,stan heilbrun and
bill bowser who had their dreams
murdered by the local gestapo
for jesus and his impossible
bullshit dream of compassion & for
milarepa who was poisoned by an
old lady & for padma-sambhava
who did-it & got enlightened & got
stoned by the peasants for doing-it
& last, this book is for the insecure
Cleveland police dept, because they
carry guns & their dogs dont bark
at all.
ukanhavyrfuckinciti bak: D.A. Levy: A Tribute to the Man, An Anthology of His Poetry, d.a.levy. Facsimile edition of the original 1967 edition edited by rjs and published by T.L. Kryss (Cleveland: Ghost Press). This famous anthology gathers an essential and extensive collection of levy’s poetry, Concrete poetry, picture-poems, prose, poetic manifestos and editorials, plus letters from poets and writers world-wide, written in support of levy after his indictment and arrest, and newspaper accounts of same. levy’s The North American Book of the Dead, Parts I-III (1966-67) is included. This 2007 edition also offers a contemporary listing of books, articles, theses, papers, booksellers, periodicals, small presses, bibliographies, web sites, films and music about d.a.levy, and a glossary of names and terms appearing in levy’s poetic works, including Cleveland place names, history and historical figures; hipster word meanings; Ancient Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Egyptian and Assyrian deities, figures, concepts and traditions evoked in the poems, Buddhist vocabulary, and more. Book, 250 pages (approx.), reprinted by Russell Salamon, 2007. $20 + shipping ($3 standard, $6.50 expedited, $12 Canada or $22 international)… go here if you are interested in buying this book or just click the book cover images.