ukanhavyrfuckincitibak by d.a.levy

D. A. LEVY: A TRIBUTE TO THE MAN | AN ANTHOLOGY OF HIS POETRY collected & edited by rjs. published by t.l. kryss. GHOST PRESS CLEVELAND. a limited edition of 1000 copies. cover foto by j.r.s. front cover lettering: carl Continue reading ukanhavyrfuckincitibak by d.a.levy

alex gildzen | tracing the places of d.a.levy

A poem by Alex Gildzen recorded 21 July 2010 in Mayfield Village, Ohio. Go here for more on d.a. levy.  | Video by Some more on d.a.levy can be also found by clicking here… and for Alex Gildzen please Continue reading alex gildzen | tracing the places of d.a.levy

if i scratch, if i write | the levy film by kon petrochuk

produced & directed by KON PET MOON with Allen Ginsberg, Russell Salamon, Joan Turnbo, Russell Atkins, Martin Simon, Grace Butcher, Kent Taylor, John Scott, John Rose, Tony Walsh, Jake Leed, Dagmar Walter, Steve Ferguson, Ralph Delaney, Robert Carothers, Cleo Malone, Continue reading if i scratch, if i write | the levy film by kon petrochuk

d.a.levy | prose – on poetry in the wholesale education & culture system

PROSE: On poetry in the wholesale education & culture system (for james sorcic) by d.a.levy silkscreen insert by t.l. kryss approximately 380 copies november / cleveland / 1974 an OFFENSE FUND publication PO Box 91415 Cleveland 44101 Note: “Prose: on Continue reading d.a.levy | prose – on poetry in the wholesale education & culture system