rj looney | by a thread

By A Thread

I still can’t believe
I did it
you goaded me into it
I’d been perfectly happy
to watch The Super Scary Movie



The Creature from God Knows Where

You called me a “pussy”
that was as good
as a triple dog dare

You did it
to watch me fall down
and act stupid
providing entertainment
for all the creatures of the night
taking my innocence
feeding your need to destruct
the first ride was free

You created a paying customer
maybe even kill
to ride it again

This morning I heard
what I thought was a child’s voice
turn out to be a ringtone from 2003
that fuzzy memory
must have summoned you back
from the edge of the woods
and into the field
beside the pump house
I stared you down
from the trailer steps
shaking my head
yelling “GIT!!”

I watched you vaporize
felt the burning in my arm subside
strengthened for now
but hanging on
by a thread

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