12 great americans | a cold turkey press special

In 1972 the Rotterdam Arts Foundation commissioned Gerard Bellaart, editor of Cold Turkey Press and Carl Weissner, editor of the magazine Klactoveedsedsteen, to compile an LP of contemporary American poetry.The LP was pressed in an edition of 500 copies that Continue reading 12 great americans | a cold turkey press special

if i scratch, if i write | the levy film by kon petrochuk

produced & directed by KON PET MOON with Allen Ginsberg, Russell Salamon, Joan Turnbo, Russell Atkins, Martin Simon, Grace Butcher, Kent Taylor, John Scott, John Rose, Tony Walsh, Jake Leed, Dagmar Walter, Steve Ferguson, Ralph Delaney, Robert Carothers, Cleo Malone, Continue reading if i scratch, if i write | the levy film by kon petrochuk